Solo Exhibitions-

Exposiciónes Individuales

2019    Passion and Color Art Expo, Masson Civic League,Hoboken, New Jersey

2018   Retrospective, René Soto Gallery, Norwalk, Connecticut

2014    Passion and color, General Consulate of Colombia, New York City, New York

2014    Passion and color, Byram Shubert Library, Greenwich, Connecticut

2003    Landscapes and Still lives, Byram Shubert Library, Greenwich, Connecticut

Group Exhibitions-

Exposiciónes en grupo

2017-2021   The Luxembourg Art Prize Exhibition, Pinacothèque Museum, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

2020    The Immigrant Power, organized by the New Jersey Artist Collective, General Consulate of Ecuador, Newark, New Jersey

2019    Dual Perspective, Cesar Alvarez and Ro-Card, Byram Shubert Library, Greenwich, Connecticut

2019    Art is Money – Money is Art, East Village Art View, Curatedby Edoardo Marcenaro, New York City

2018    A.R.T. (Art Revolution Taipei), Taipei World Trade Center Hall,Taipei, Taiwan

2018    Po Sheng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2017    Po Sheng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2016    Sensorial Perspectives, Agora Gallery, New York, NY

2016    Playfulness and Tenderness, Byram Shubert Library, Greenwich, Connecticut

2015    A.R.T. (Art Revolution Taipei), Taipei World Trade Center Hall, Taipei, Taiwan

2001    Greenwich Art Society Members, Art Society Gallery, Old Town Hall, Greenwich, Connecticut

1997    Fifth Municipal Arts Show, Rionegro, Colombia, 

1996    Tribute to Armenia (Quindio), Parque Nacional del Café, Armenia, Colombia

1996    Fourth Municipal Art Show, Rionegro, Colombia

1995    Armenia Tourism and Development Corporation, Armenia, Colombia  

1995    Banco Ganadero Shopping Mall, Rionegro, Colombia

1995    Las Lomas Forum Hotel, Rionegro, Colombia                                                     

1995    Third Municipal Art Show, Rionegro, Colombia

1994    Second Art Show, Casa de la Cultura, El Carmen de Viboral, Colombia

1994    Religious Art Show, Casa de la Cultura, Rionegro, Colombia

1994    Hosteria Llano Grande, Rionegro, Colombia

1994    Ecological Art, Corporación Regional Rionegro - Nare (CORNARE) Headquarters, El Santuario, Colombia

1994    First Itinerant Plastic Arts Exhibition, Antioquia, Colombia

1993    José María Córdova International Airport Press Room, Rionegro, Colombia

1993    Inaguration of the Police Department Headquarters, Rionegro, Colombia

1993    Casa de la Cultura, Rionegro, Colombia

1992    Banco Ganadero Shopping Mall, Rionegro, Colombia

1989    José María Córdova International Airport Press Room, Rionegro, Colombia

1989    Casa de la Cultura, El Carmen de Viboral, Colombia

1989    Casa de la Cultura, Rionegro, Colombia

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